Marcia Torreano NewsArticlesHospice Offers Community Bereavement GroupHospice of the Calumet Area will be holding the forth session of a community bereavement group on February 19 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and again on February 20 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Healing Hearts support group will be held at Ridge United Methodist Church at 8607 Columbia Avenue in Munster. For the past six years, Marcia Torreano, bereavement facilitator, has moderated these sessions that offer help and support to anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one. The session will cover the topic How to deal with other people when Im grieving. Past sessions covered such topics as Surviving the Loss of a Loved One and Understanding the Grief Process. The group offers helpful information, support and a comfortable atmosphere for sharing struggles and triumphs. Torreano hopes to give those needing comfort and support an opportunity to grieve with others sharing the same experience. We are a resource for the community, she said. No reservation is necessary to attend counseling sessions. The sessions are open to the public. For more information on bereavement support, please contact Torreano at 219-922-2732.
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MUNSTER -- Healing Hearts is a grief support group offered by Hospice of the Calumet Area that meets at Ridge United Methodist Church, 8607 Columbia Ave. Its sixth session, Learning to Live Again, will be 1:30 to 3 p.m. Wednesday and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday. Group, which is open to anyone in the community, is moderated by Marcia Torreano, Hospice's bereavement facilitator. It offers information, support and a comfortable atmosphere for sharing feelings and experiences, struggles and triumphs. Call (219) 922-2732. -- source: -- no date