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The FGDC Coordination Group

The FGDC Coordination Group is comprised of chairpersons of the thematic Subcommittees and 'cross-cut' Working Groups, and representatives from Federal agencies and FGDC recognized stakeholder groups . The Coordination Group meets once a month in the Washington, DC area.

[2003] [2002] [2001] [2000] [1999] [1998] [1997] [1996]

Documents for Member Review

Ivan Deloatch, Chair 703.648.5752

Cartographic Users Advisory Committee
Donna P. Koepp, CUAC, 913.864.5380

Department of Agriculture
Rick Guldin, Co-Chair, Sustainable Forest Working Group 202.205.1507
Ralph Crawford, Chair, Vegetation Subcommittee, 703.605.5253
Jim Fortner, Chair, Soils Subcommittee, 402.437.5755
Jeff Goebel, Chair, SIMNRE Working Group, 301.504.2270
Dr Greg Johnson, Chair, Spatial Climate Subcommittee 503.414.3017
Betsy Banas 703.605.4575
Christine Clarke 301.504.2267
Mark Flood 703.605.4580

Department of Commerce
Tim Trainor, Chair, Subcommittee on Cultural & Demographic Data, 301.763.1056
Charles Challstrom, Chair, Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee, 301.713.3222
Cindy Fowler, Co-Chair, Marine Boundaries Working Group 843.740.1249
Anne Hale Miglarese, Chair, Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee, 843.740.1238
Dorsey Worthy, Chair, Earth Cover Working Group, 843.740.1234
Leslie Godwin 301.457.1056
Fred Malkus 301.457.1056
Anne O'Connor 301.763.1056
Kim Owens 301.713.1156 x109
Robert John Wilson 301.713.2645 x205
Richard Yorczyk 301.713.3230 x142

Department of Defense
M. K. Miles, Chair, Facilities Working Group, 202.761.5532
Nancy Blyler 202.761.5540
Laurel Gorman 601.634.4484
Jean McGinn 202.761.1052
Charles Roswell 703.262.4418
Harold Smith 601.634.4190
Lee R. Warren 703.264.7350

Department of Energy
Susan M. Hargrove 202.586.4108
David Morehouse 202.586.4853
John Stewart 301.903.7137

Department of Health and Human Services
Dr. Charles M. Croner 301.458.4168

Department of Homeland Security
Ryan D. Cast, CIO Office, Geospatial, 202.786.0201
Dennis Green 202.646.3470
Scott McAfee 202.646.3317
Barry Napier 202.646.3217
Leslie Wiener-Leandro 202.646.4503

Department of Housing and Urban Development
David Chase 202.208.4230 x5133
Jon Sperling 202.708.3700 x5640

Department of the Interior
Don Buhler, Chair, Cadastral Subcommittee, 202.452.7781
Paul Geissler, Co-Chair Sustainable Forest Working Group 301.497.5780
Julie Binder Maitra, Acting Chair, Standards Working Group, 703.648.4627
Jan Morton, Chair, Geologic Subcommittee, 703.648.6509
Doug Nebert, Chair, Clearinghouse Working Group, 703.648.4151
Maury Nyquist, Chair, Biological Data Working Group, 303.202.4217
Bob Pierce, Chair, Subcommittee on Spatial Water Data, 770.903.9113
Richard Pearsall, Chair, Metadata Ad Hoc Working Group, 703.648.4532
Hedy Rossmeissl, Chair, Subcommittee on Base Cartographic Data, 703.648.5577
Lee Thormahlen, CoChair, Marine Boundaries Working Group 303.275.7120
Bill Wilen, Chair, Wetlands Subcommittee, 727.570.5400 x225
Anne Frondorf 703.648.4205
Richard Hogan 703.648.5531
Jason Racette 202.452.0345
Barb White 303.275.2310

Department of Justice
Mario Lopez Gomez 202.616.3971
Debra Stoe 202.616.7036

Department of State
David G. Smith, Chair, Subcommittee on International Boundaries & Sovereignty, 202.736.7896

Department of Transportation
Mark Bradford, Chair, Ground Transportation Subcommittee 202.366.6810
Carol Brandt 202.366.6662
Pamela S. LaFontaine 202.493.0566
Steve Lewis 202.366.9223

Environmental Protection Agency
Wendy Blake-Coleman 202.566.1709
Michelle Torreano 202.566.2141

General Services Administration
John Clark 202.501.4362
Bob Harding 202.501.1411
Fred Miller 202.501.9096

International City/County Management Association
Eric Anderson 515.283.4141
David Borak 202.962.3506
Molly Singer 216. 283.2157
Elizabeth Stasiak 202.962.3509

Library of Congress
Gary Fitzpatrick 202.707.8542

Mapping Science Committee of the National Research Council
Dr. Anthony R. de Souza 202.334.2744

National Academy of Sciences
Dr. Paul Cutler 202.334.3309

National Archives and Records Administration
Theodore Hull, Chair, Historical Data Working Group, 301.837.1824

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Myra Bambacus, Chair, FGDC Geospatial Applications & Interoperability Working Group 301.286.3215
Ron Birk 202.358.1701
Mike Thomas 228.688.2042
Alex Tuyahov 202.358.0250

National Association of Counties
Bert Jarreau 202.942.4248
Paul Keister 202.942.4264

National Capital Planning Commission
Shane L. Dettman 202.482.7267
Michael Sherman 202.482.7200
Stacy Wood 202.482.7237

National League of Cities
Christine Becker 202.626.3012

National State Geographic Information Council
Dennis Goreham 801.538.3163
Susan Carson-Lambert 502.573.1450

Office of Management and Budget
Jason Freihage 202.395.9180

Open Geographic Information Science Consortium
Sam Bacharach 703.352.3938
Cliff Kottman 703.830.6516
Mark Reichardt 301.840.1361

Spatial Technologies Industry Association
Fred Corle 202.216.9116

Tennessee Valley Authority
Alan Voss 423.751.2425

University Consortium for Geographic Information Science
Dr. Jochen Albrecht, UCGIS, 301.405.8541
Susan Jampoler, UCGIS, 703.779.7980
Dr. David Mark, UCGIS, 716.645.2545 x48
Dr. Robert Rugg, UCGIS, 804.828.2489

FGDC, USGS, 590 National Center, Reston, VA 20192
URL: http://www.fgdc.gov /fgdc/fgdccg_org.html
Updated: Tuesday, 16-Sep-2003 10:22:14 EDT
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